
Some of the most relevant aspects of Roberto Markarian's trajectory for this recognition follow:

  • Roberto started out his carreer in mathematics in 1965 at Instituto de Matemática y Estadística of Universidad de la República (now IMERL). After having been imprisoned by the de facto government due to political reasons, he regained his freedom and starting 1983 finished his studies in Brazil under Lewowicz and Artur Lopes' and then Jacob Palis' orientation, obtaining his PhD in 1991. He was appointed Profesor Titular at Universidad de la República in the same year.

  • Roberto's contributions to Mathematical Billiards' Theory is outstanding and of public notoriety. His original ideas and approaches to open problems led to his many scientific publications, whose quality has been acknowledged by the leading theorists in the area, such as Sinai and Pesin. His ability to get over technical difficulties are, as well, a distinctive trait of Roberto Markarian's works in Differentiable Ergodic Theory.

  • His joint works with Prof. Chernov constitute a whole mathematical theory in the intersection of Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Physics and Probability theory.

  • He has not only contributed as a researcher but also as a popularizer of mathematics, including several publications in the field of epistemology, reflecting on the role of mathematics as a fosterer of human development.

  • As an institutional constructor, Roberto was director of IMERL from 1990 to 1998. A member of PEDECIBA-Uruguay where he has coordinated the area of Mathematics. A member (foundational) of UMALCA, where he has also been a member of both scientific and executive councils in several opportunities. He has been appointed Emeritus Professor in PEDECIBA and in the National Academy of Sciences in Uruguay.

  • He held the position of Rector (Chancellor) at Universidad de la República from 2014 to 2018.

  • Roberto has also been a strong and acknowledged leader in the mathematical community of Uruguay, leading in particular several research groups along the years. A director of thesis not only within the IMERL but also in interaction with other Institutes at Facultad de Ingeniería, at the level of graduate, posgraduate and PhD.

  • Aside from his vast and more than enough merits for such a recognition, Roberto's commitment with mathematics and education, and with society in general, led to his choice of returning to teaching undergraduate courses once he had achieved the highest and most notorious spheres of academical activity within Universidad de la República, higlighting his unwavering commitment to his vocation and values.